Monday, October 29, 2018

The power of the Why

I had an amazing day today!  I got to meet and work with Eric Sheninger on a Professional Learning Day at the PLI.

I couldn't help but get a selfie..

There were so many things to take away, but to kick things off I was struck by the Power of Why from the TedTalk below from Simon Sinek
This made me think about the Why for BYOT at our great school New Town High, so here is my first pass:


To provide our students with the best possible contemporary education


Year 9 students will BYOT that will use WiFi to connect to Canvas, Office 365 and selected Web tools to provide instant access to learning inside and outside their classes


Supporting year 9 students and core teachers in Blended Learning.  Blended Learning amplifies excellent teaching by using digital and non digital tools during learning.  BYOT will use Blended Learning to support and enhance student learning

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